Saturday, December 16, 2006

Where have all the good men gone?

This will not be a lengthy tirade as I'm exhausted and busy mentally celebrating the end of a semester, the begining of the holiday season and the hopefulness of posibility.
But, seriously, where have all the good men gone? And where are all the guards? And the streetwise Hercules Where are they?!?
I know many good men. Men who mean what they say, say what they do and hold close to those they love. They work hard, play harder, (generally) think before acting, use head and heart in accord. They are not foreign creatures. My relationships with them do not require me to purchase books that compare us to planets or learn how to decipher tongues I can't master (I struggled enough with Latin and have little time/interest to read some guru's guide to "Mantalian"- by the way: I hate that Dunkin Donuts commercial. As if ordering a Soy Venti Latte with an extra shot was difficult. Try finding a good man and get back to me America's-lowest-common-demoninator-donut-dealer). Many of the men I know are, in short, good.
But that does not change the fact that I have yet to meet a good man who is good enough. All of the good men I know were missing that special "something" that would have changed them from being a good man that I knew to being a man good enough to quit me thinking about the fact that I haven't met him.
Please don't misread me. I live in hope (see above). I'm not really worried about a "Mr.Right" scenario or getting myself tied to someone else... I think I've covered before that I don't have the time/interest (which seems to be a thing with me tonight) to get into something consuming. And that's not really the point anyway. It just has begun to strike me as odd that I haven't seen a whole lot of good men I don't know recently
I reread/watched Pride and Prejudice today (which consists of me reading along with one of the many versions of the movie and [A&E] leisurely enjoying both as I fall in love with Mr. Darcy all over again [Keira Knightly] Yelling at the TV "What the Hell!" as I try to figure out where what just happened in the book [Bride and Prejudice] Ignoring Austin's tale as I sing "No Life Without Wife" about the apartment). Doing so always sets the bar an inch or two higher. Mr. Darcy.... la sigh.
I once had a friend compare himself to Lizzie Bennet. When good men don't even try to compare themselves to Darcy I get a little worried. Okay, I get ALOT worried.
I'm holding out for a hero....


Blogger that mckim girl said...

The good men are...[ ]...

Yeah. I dunno. If I knew where, I'd go visit that special land.

I'll tell you where they AREN'T: New York City.

Also, I believe it is "Where are all the gods", not 'guards'.

9:20 PM  

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