Wednesday, September 21, 2005

There are roads left in both of our shoes

I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new
~Death Cap for Cutie Soul Meets Body

I've never been one for organized or recreational sport. Chasing after a ball to get it before someone else does simply isn't my thing. I start thinking about the signifigance of turning in my free will to follow after some inflated rubber at the behest of another's competitive spirit--I don't want to chase the ball, I don't care if someone else gets it, but the coach does so I'll risk life and limb... and the other team scores. Similarly, I've always wanted to ask runners as I drove past, "What's chasing you?!" Really, running for "fun" has never held my interest. It's alot of work. It's painful. And for what--a slightly smaller waistline and knee replacement surgery in 20 years. I'll pass.
And yet this morning I found myself outside at 7:25 walking over to the town park with a friend. We had decided it would be a good ideato jog/walk/run for 30 minutes twice a week thereby giving us a set time to visit with each other and the oppurtunity to break up the monotony of treadmills and elliptical machines.
We did pretty well, considering neither of us is a "runner." We have the aforementioned common goal and I have a personal goal (to make it 20 minutes without walking or feeling like I'm going to pass out/die). I have faith in us... for now.
But, what I found shocking was that I enjoyed myself. It felt good to have blood pumping through my recently rested limbs. While it was still cool, we were warmed simultaneously by the morning sun and our activity. I listened to my friend, but also to my inner metronome (I tend to count to 8 when running: inhale-1-2-3-4-exhale-1-2-3-4) which was rather centering and calming-- a brilliant way to start the morning.
I followed all this up with and hour+ at the gym-- so I'll pay tomorrow.
LOST premiers tonight. If you don't watch, you should.

Jack: Hurley, you built... a golf course?
Hurley: Rich idiots fly to tropical islands all the time to whack balls around!
Michael: [incredulous] All the stuff we gotta deal with, man... THIS is what you've been wasting your time on?
Hurley: Dudes... listen. Our lives suck! Everyone's nerves are stretched to the max! We're lost on an island, running from boars and monsters... freakin' polar bears!
Michael: Polar bears?
Charlie: [to Michael] You didn't hear about the polar bear?
Mr. Artz: You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not cool enough to be part of your merry little band of adventurers.
Hurley: What?
Mr. Artz: I know a clique when I see it. I teach high school, pally! You know, you people think you're the only ones on this island doing anything of value. Well, I've got news for you. There were forty other survivors of this plane crash and we are all people, too.
Hurley: Okaaaaay...


Blogger that mckim girl said...

I know! There is something strangely addictive about running.

Oh, who am I kidding? I get addicted to EVERYTHING.

Can't wait to see my VHS tape of Lost tonight!

7:27 AM  

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